
It's Been a While...

Once again, it has been such a long time since I posted anything.  I'm a loser, and I know it.  I wish I had something interesting to post right now, but I've been sort of busy as of late.  My mother-in-law came to town for a few days, so my husband and I needed to focus some time and energy on cleaning up the house.  I wanted to finish painting the guest room, but that didn't happen, unfortunately.  The bright side is that I got it all primed and started with the main color.  I need to get a second coat on that and then tackle the trim.  I can do it, yes I can!!

I'm going to try to get on some sort of a schedule with making posts and videos.  I would like to film on Sundays and then post on Mondays or Tuesdays, depending when I go to my parents house to do laundry.  (Haha, once again, I'm a loser!)  I use my dad's iMac to edit video.

So, I'm making no promises, but my hope is that I will start to get my act together.  Just throw something at me if I don't get something posted in the next two weeks!

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